Business Administration - Dual Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Gain an understanding of economic concepts and mathematical relationships, as well as analytical and communications skills to succeed in a variety of industries and operations. Our dual degree business program incorporates a global perspective, so you can apply coursework to your home country, surrounding region, and beyond. Dynamic faculty from the highly-ranked Eller College of Management augment the course experience with real-world projects. The combination of applied projects and the broad analytical framework of the curriculum appeals to employers and students alike.
Career options include:
- Small Business Owner
- Regional Operations Manager
- Human Resources/Recruiting Manager
- Project Manager
- Financial Services Advisor
- Sales Manager
Earn two bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration at once through our dual degree partnership with Sampoerna University in Jakarta, Indonesia; the American University of Phnom Penh in Phnom Penh, Cambodia; or with La Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) in Lima, Peru where you can also earn a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship. Complete your program entirely in your home country or study abroad at the University of Arizona main campus in the U.S.